The 3455A Digital Voltmeter is a microprocessor controlled, 5 1/2 or 6 1/2-digit voltmeter for bench or systems applications. The standard instrument measures DC volts (0.1 to 1000 V range with up to 1 V sensitivity in five ranges), AC volts (1 to 1000 V range in four ranges) (ACV or FAST ACV), and resistance (2 W or 4 W: 0.1 kohm to 10 Mohms in six ranges). HP-IB controllability is standard. The standard True RMS converter gives AC measurements from 30Hz to 1MHz and the math function provide computational capability. The scale mode allows the user to offset, take ratios, or scale readings to give readouts in physical units. The auto-cal feature checks the DC volts and ohms operating circuits against internal references and corrects them digitally. $395.00 plus $25.00 CONUS International shipping available. Contact us for prices and availabilityof manuals and accessories.
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